The Written Message

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ~ Maya Angelou

Strong Love 

Yesterday, March 30, 2015, I was privileged to sit in the congregation of Christian Life Cathedral and Pastor Steve Dixon brought such an amazing word that broke up some things in me. I mean it was just an awesome experience taking communion with them and listening to the Word. Before I knew it I was crying and all jacked up before I partook. SIDENOTE: This shed new light on what it means to examine yourself before taking the Lord's Supper.
Now back to the post, in his sermon it was about the final week…

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I'm Tired... Are You? 

Listen I'm tired… I'm tired of the complaints in my life and not being where I want to be in life. I'm tired of seeing others enjoying the success that I believe I should have. Well you know what my resolve is? I resolve to COMMIT to God! It sounds simple but it's a lot more complex. Take a reflective look at your life and then decisions you have made. Has God been in the center of those decisions and more importantly did He receive glory from your actions? I'll be transparent enough to say that I made… Read more

Casting Your Cares 

So I’m basically organizing my thoughts around the scripture, 1 Peter 5:7, which says, "casting all your cares on Him for He cares for you."
May I ask you a question, and not for the purpose of being nosey but rather so that we can establish some sort of relativity? Have you ever been so burdened with choices, trials, emotions, etc. that you just felt stuck? I'm talking about feelings of despair so intense that you couldn't mentally or physical move? Yep I know what that's like. If you'd allow me to be…

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I wrote a Facebook status that got me hype on the subject... Check this out... 

I really hope we get delivered from holding grudges... Before we go really deep into this subject, let's all first admit we've done wrong and have been done wrong. <--- This means no one is allowed to play the victim as well as no one is allowed to wallow in guilt. So many times people have wronged me (and I have wronged others), whether or not they apologize God is not holding them accountable for when I CHOOSE NOT TO FORGIVE…

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